The Sack of Leuven and Irish participation in World War One.
Stephen McGarry on the ‘Rape of Belgium’ in 1914 and Irish participation in the First World War. August marks the centenary of …
Stephen McGarry on the ‘Rape of Belgium’ in 1914 and Irish participation in the First World War. August marks the centenary of …
Barry Sheppard on the unlikely influence of an American radical on land reform in Ireland over the 19th and 20th centuries. …
El Proyecto MacNamara, The Maverick Irish Priest and the Race to Seize California 1844-1846 By John Fox Published by Irish Academic Press, …
Derek Collins on Irish born governors of British ruled Hong Kong. ‘What land is this; with its subject continents and islands, hardly able …
Tom Reilly argues that Oliver Cromwell did not, as folk memory has it, slaughter the inhabitants of Drogheda in 1649. (See also …
Edited by Bryce Evans and Stephen Kelly, Published by Irish Academic Press, Dublin 2014 ISBN:978-07165-3239-2 Reviewer: John Dorney Frank Aiken is one …