Shunned. Ostracised. Excommunicated … Boycotted. The tribulations of Captain Charles Cunningham Boycott
By Myles Dungan ‘Mayo people do not steal, and if they shot a stranger, it would only be by mistake for a …
By Myles Dungan ‘Mayo people do not steal, and if they shot a stranger, it would only be by mistake for a …
Life and work in County Kerry, 100 years ago. By Kieran McNulty Sunday was “hiring–day” for the farmers and farm labourers gathered outside …
Thomas Earls Fitzgerald, who has been researching the Irish Revolution in County Kerry, talks to John Dorney of the Irish Story about …
Colm Wallace tells the story of a shocking crime in rural Kilkenny in April 1923. After the Civil War finished the Irish …
John Dorney looks at a unit of the National Army raised during the Civil War of 1922-23 to put down agrarian agitation …
By Finbar Dwyer Published by New Island Press, 2013 Reviewer: John Dorney Medieval Ireland is a world that is lost to …
Patricia Byrne writes about an intriguing character and the impact of Protestant missionary work on Achill Island in the 19th Century. One …