“Deceived as hereafter to the destruction of both” – Stories from the 1641 Rebellion
John Dorney looks at rival Catholic accounts of the 1641 rebellion. The Irish insurrection of 1641-42 began with an abortive plot by …
John Dorney looks at rival Catholic accounts of the 1641 rebellion. The Irish insurrection of 1641-42 began with an abortive plot by …
Book Review: Reshaping Ireland 1550-1700, Colonisation and its Consequences Edited by Brian Mac Cuarta Four Courts Press, 2011 Reviewer: John Dorney The …
Conquest and Land in Ireland – The Transplantation to Connacht 1649-1680. By John Cunningham Royal Historical Society, Boydell Press, 2011. Reviewer: John …
Cromwell’s sack of Drogheda and the massacre of the Royalist garrison by the New Model Army in 1649. By John Dorney On …
~1641~ John Dorney looks at the outbreak of one of the bloodiest and most tragic rebellions in Irish history -the 1641 Rebellion. …